
Famous spy agent names
Famous spy agent names

The two women were from Vietnam and Indonesia and claim that they did not know that the spray included the nerve agent and that they were made to believe that they were part of a candid-camera prank. Kim Jong Nam died on the way from the airport clinic to another hospital shortly after the attack. The assassination took place at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. More recently, on February 13, 2017, two women sprayed the nerve agent VX into the face of Kim Jong Nam, killing the half-brother of North Korea's dictator, Kim Jong Un. His sarcastic broadcasts on western media, including the BBC, RFE and DW, were popular with listeners in Bulgaria. It has been alleged that Bulgarian dictator Todor Zhivkov ordered the assassination of the writer, because Markov published biting details about the top circles of the communist regime. Investigators at the time suggested that the Soviet agency KGB may have provided the poison. A Bulgarian communist agent fired a tiny bullet with the substance into the defector's leg in 1978 in London  Markov died three days later.

famous spy agent names

Ricin became famous in the Georgi Markov umbrella murder case. Markov was publishing unpleasant details about communist leaders when he was poisoned with ricin It also destroys stem cells and prevents them from multiplying. However, if inhaled or ingested it damages the stomach lining, destroys leukocytes in the blood and results in anemia. When sealed in any packaging, it is actually rather safe. The radioactivity will not even penetrate a sheet of paper. The element is a strong ionizing alpha emitter. Handling polonium, however, is not very dangerous. Novichok nerve agents – Russia's dangerous 'new' poison Top ten most dangerous viruses in the world In a nuclear reactor, one could generate polonium by bombarding bismuth with neutrons. In order to produce the lethal dose of 100 nanograms, one would need several hundred kilograms of raw uranium ore. The world's nuclear powers are the only countries able to produce polonium in quantities that could be used to kill. In nature, it only appears in marginal quantities as a product of radioactive decay. Polonium 210 cannot be bought on the market and is almost impossible to detect if the investigation starts too late.

famous spy agent names

23 days elapsed between the day when he was hospitalized and his death. Former Russian intelligence colleagues reportedly poured the substance into his tea. Russian agents used the radioactive element to poison former FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko in London in 2006, say British investigators.

famous spy agent names

Investigators at work after Russian agents poisoned defector Litvinenko in London

Famous spy agent names